This article describes the issue and its resolution when high memory usage of marc.search.exe can be caused if a Full Access user installs the WinRT App.
1. A user who has access to all emails in MARC (= having Full Access permissions) installs the MailArchiver WinRT App
2. marc.search.exe on the MARC server starts to allocate much more memory over time compared to before the user installed the App (in the original case it started to use all available memory affecting other applications)
Root Cause
The "Active Tile" of the WinRT App shows the emails in MARC on the Win8 Start screen. The WinRT basically determines this number by connecting to the server (using the web services WSSearch) and running a query against xfirstword (which translates into "all emails") across all Archive Stores. On a larger installation (meaning with a high amount of emails stored in MARC) such a Search can utilize a high amount of resources incl. RAM and memory.
Hints to identify this situation:
1. You can read the memory footprint of marc.search.exe from troubleshooter.txt - here is an example) Name ProcessId ParentProcessId Priority ThreadCount HandleCount WorkingSetSize PeakWorkingSetSize PageFileUsage PeakPageFileUsage PageFaults MArc.Search.exe 2972 632 8 23 925 3326230528 3900716 10765120 10767644 4939682 The value to focus on here is: WorkingSetSize = 3326230528 (= ~3GB)
2. Looking at ..\Search\Debuglogs\QueryEngine.log over time (!) reveals that queries like below are run on a regular basis, with the focus being on the keyword "xfirstword", a high number of returned emails (nearly 3mio in this example) and that the query runtime is long (here it ran 29min - from 12:12 until 12:51):
2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine",">> Search request: structuredQuery {( ( ( xfirstword ) ) ) __and ( __not ( ( itemtype __contains ( ((3)__or(4)) ) ) ) )} xfilter {} limit {0} userGuids {} dbGuids {6800363A-E955-474D-87E2-671EBFF830DB 647533DF-9C7F-4136-9C8E-77837A34E044 845681C7-AB69-4E8A-BFC5-1D64A9408F5E 0551335F-CB14-4A78-A256-02468E616118} metaQuery {} sortFieldName {}" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","0 filtered user guids" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","2014 Jan - Dec: Not using meta (SQLCE & no meta criteria specified)" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","Mailarchiver2011: Not using meta (SQLCE & no meta criteria specified)" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","2013 Nov - Dec: Not using meta (SQLCE & no meta criteria specified)" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","Mailarchiver2009: Not using meta (SQLCE & no meta criteria specified)" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","Running dtSearch query..." 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","limit: 0" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","query: [( ( ( xfirstword ) ) ) __and ( __not ( ( itemtype __contains ( ((3)__or(4)) ) ) ) )]" 2014-02-10,12:12:15,344,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","xfilter: " 2014-02-10,12:13:51,019,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","Search OK" 2014-02-10,12:13:51,019,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","Search produced 2921814 results" 2014-02-10,12:51:25,250,1,"#00000B9C","#00000025","info ","QueryEngine","<< Search request: ...
Fixed with a newer WinRT App which has been published to the Microsoft App Store:
Fix details: Removed the tile search for all emails in archive store
WORKAROUND Disable the Active Tile of the MailArchiver WinRT App for users who have Full Access permissions
Required Actions
Update to latest WinRT App via the Microsoft App Store
Priyanka Bhotika