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Error: 'Access to the path is denied' When Folder Structure Retrieval Feature Is Not Working


This article describes the issue and its resolution when the Folder Structure Retrieval feature is enabled using the EWS (Exchange Web Services) protocol. The feature is not working and the following error is being logged continuously in ..\Archiver\Core\DebugLogs\UMPoll.EWSPoll.log:

"info   ","UMPoll.EWSPoll","Starting EWSPolling e4bc725f-2e38-4502-a493-0950e0e6be0a"
"error  ","UMPoll.EWSPoll","error:Access to the path 'e4bc725f-2e38-4502-a493-0950e0e6be0a' is denied."
"info   ","UMPoll.EWSPoll","Terminated"

NOTE: The GUID (here e4bc725f-2e38-4502-a493-0950e0e6be0a) can be different in each line.


  • GFI Archiver
  • Folder Structure Retrieval being enabled using the EWS protocol

Root Cause

The GFI Archiver services are not running as Local System, but are configured to run under a user account.


  1. Go to StartRun and type services.msc
  2. Configure all GFI Archiver services to run under Local System.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
