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Error: 'The Archived Data Location does not match the database you are trying to attach' When Attaching or Editing an Archive Store


This article describes the error and its resolution which occurs when attaching or editing an Archive Store which uses a binary folder and one of the following error is displayed.

Debug logging is based on:

  • ..\ASPNET\UI\DebugLogs\ArchiveStoresWizard.log
  • ..\Store\DebugLogs\ManagementHelper.log

The Archived Data Location does not match the database you are trying to attach!
Debug logging:
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Validating Binary Path"
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: SQL+FS being created =>> Attached"
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Verifying if binary path exists..."
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Binary path exists"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","VerifyBinPath() >> "
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","Database Empty: False"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","Binary Path Empty: True"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","VerifyBinPath() Return: FSEmpty"
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Attaching a Database, Checking that the binary path matches"
...,"error  ","ArchiveStoresWizard","ERROR:FileLocations_ERR: Attching DB. Bin test returned FSEmpty so db does not match"
...,"error  ","ArchiveStoresWizard","ERROR:FileLocations_ERR: The Archived Data Location does not match the database you are trying to attach!"


Archived Data Location does not match database being edited

Debug logging:
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Validating Binary Path"
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Verifying if binary path exists..."
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Binary path exists"
...,"info   ","ArchiveStoresWizard","FileLocations: Running edit mode, confirming Binary file matched database"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","VerifyBinPath() >> "
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","Database Empty: False"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","Binary Path Empty: True"
...,"info   ","ManagementHelper","VerifyBinPath() Return: FSEmpty"
...,"error  ","ArchiveStoresWizard","ERROR:FileLocations_ERR: Editing Binary Path to a location not matching database"
...,"error  ","ArchiveStoresWizard","ERROR:FileLocations_ERR: Archived Data Location does not match database being edited"

Note: The wording of the error message in older versions differs slightly:
The email file location does not match the database you are trying to attach.


GFI Archiver using Archive Stores with File Storage (binary folder).

Root Cause

The dbGuid.txt file is missing within the binary folder.


  1. Navigate to the folder that holds the index of the affected Archive Store.
  2. Open the index.xml in Notepad.
  3. Take note of the attribute dbid value within the index element. For example:
    <index dbid="5e88140b-3fff-4cc7-c8f2-9f97ff89333e"....
  4. Copy and paste the dbid value found in Step 3 into a new Notepad document:
    Note: This is just an example value, the value you need has to be copy-pasted from Step 3.
  5. Save the Notepad document as dbGuid.txt into the Binary folder of the affected Archive Store.
  6. Open the GFI Archiver web page and try attaching the Archive Store again.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
