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Import Export Tool Exports a Maximum of 100 Items Only


This article describes the issue and its resolution when the GFI Import Export Tool limits search to 100 items and even with more than 100 returned it exports a maximum of 100 items only.

When using IET, the export hangs or stops at 100 exported items. The results are also shown as a maximum of 100 items if the user unchecks the option to limit the search to 5 000 items.


Issue confirmed only with the 12.4 version

Root Cause

This issue was caused due to a regression bug. It occurs when exporting to an already existing pst file.


  1. Download the patch attached in this article.
  2. Unblock the downloaded zipped folder.
  3. Unzip the folder.
  4. Backup and replace the following file in the ...GFI\Archiver\MarcImportExport\ directory :
    • For 32-bit installation: MArcImportExport.exe
    • For 64-bit installation: MArcImportExport_x64.exe


Run the respective .exe file and test.

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