This article provides the solution to fix the "importing" part of the Archive Assistant, which fails and cannot connect to the server if the "Mailboxes to Archive" restrictions are configured.
This issue can be seen in situations when you install Archive Assistant and then open Outlook. However, the Archive Assistant does not appear in the web interface under Configuration > Import Emails.
To confirm this issue, check if restrictions are active under Configuration > Mailboxes to Archive.
Excerpt of the debug log in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GFI\MailArchiverAddon\DebugLogs\Outlook.Addon.ArchiveAssistant.Manager.log
2013-05-16,16:01:46,164,1,"#00000870","#00000004","warning","Outlook.Addon.ArchiveAssistant.Manager","Warning Caught exception.;MArc.Outlook.Addon.Core.ServiceFaultException: A fault was returned from the service operation.;FaultCode: 'ArchiveAssistantDisabled'. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: ArchiveAssistant not enabled but the functionality was tried to be accessed! SERVER SIDE \ASPNET\Services\DebugLogs\ArchiveAssistant.log 2013-05-16,16:01:46,784,1,"#00000C50","#00000010","info ","ArchiveAssistant","INFO: Method 'GetUsersImportSettingsGuid()', Archive Assistant is disabled for 74f167df40efa246911a9c7f6ce73b78" 2013-05-16,16:01:46,815,1,"#00000C50","#00000010","error ","ArchiveAssistant","ERROR: Method 'CheckIfArchiveAssistantIsEnabled()' failed with error ArchiveAssistant not enabled but the functionality was tried to be accessed!" 2013-05-16,16:01:46,815,1,"#00000C50","#00000010","error ","ArchiveAssistant","ERROR: Method 'PerformHandShaking()' failed with error Fault caught!" 2013-05-16,16:01:46,815,1,"#00000C50","#00000010","error ","ArchiveAssistant","ERROR: Method 'PerformHandShaking()' failed with exception ArchiveAssistant not enabled but the functionality was tried to be accessed!"
To fix this issue, upgrade to MARC2013 build 20130704 or later, or apply the patch (attached at the bottom of the article).
Priyanka Bhotika