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Error: "Communication server not running"


This article provides the solution for the Communication server not running error that appears when the event log shows "Faulting module name: 'MSVCR100.dll' or 'MSVCR120.dll.'"


Identifying the Error

The error has the following characteristics:

  • The console shows the error "Communication server not running."
  • The agent diagnostic fails in point 4.
  • The HTTPD processes are not running when checked in the Task Manager.
  • When starting the C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\LanGuard 12 Agent\Httpd\bin\httpd.exe manually, the MSVCR100.DLL is reported missing.



  • GFI LanGuard
  • All supported environments


Root Cause Analysis

As indicated in the event log, the faulting module was a .dll file. In this case, a required DLL was not installed.

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Solution Processes

The process for resolving the issue varies slightly depending on the version of the application in use.



  1. Close the GFI LanGuard GUI and stop all of its services.

  2. Navigate to this URL: Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.

  3. Click on Download.


  4. Select vcredist_x86.exe on the Choose the download you want page, and then click Next.


  5. After downloading the vcredist_x86.exe file, right-click on the installer > Properties > Unblock and Apply before running the installation.

  6. Run the installer and follow the prompts to completion.

  7. Restart the GFI LanGuard services and reopen the GUI.


V12.4 and Earlier

  1. Close the GFI LanGuard GUI and stop all of its services.

  2. Navigate to this URL: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).

  3. Click on Download.


  4. After downloading the vcredist_x86.exe, right-click on the installer > Properties > Unblock and Apply before running the installation.

  5. Install the downloaded package.

  6. Restart the GFI LanGuard services and reopen the GUI.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
