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Unable to Install Kerio VPN Client on Windows - Error 28201


When trying to install or upgrade Kerio VPN client on Windows 8/8.1 operating system, the installer stops, and displays the error:



There may be various error codes:

  • Failed to install VPN device driver, 0x800F0244
  • Failed to install VPN device driver, 0x800F020B

This article contains instructions to resolve each of these errors.


Windows 8/8.1/10 and Server 2012.


Below are the steps to resolve the error with the 0x800F020B code.

  1. Check Windows Programs and Features and uninstall the Kerio VPN client if it's listed there.
  2. In Windows, navigate to Start > Run.
  3. Run Regedit.
  4. Delete this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Kerio

  5. Navigate to Device Manager > Network Adapter and Uninstall the Kerio Virtual Network Adapter.
  6. If you see WAN Miniport adapters, please uninstall all of them. It is normal if they are not being removed from the list after you uninstall. 
  7. Reboot the PC.
  8. Download and Install an older version of VPN Client. You will most likely get the same error as on the above screenshots.
  9. Download the Kerio VPN Recovery tool.
  10. Disable any antivirus running on the machine.
  11. Unblock the installer.
    Right-click the .exe file, go to Properties > Unblock and Run it as Admin.
  12. You may now install the latest version of Kerio VPN Client.

Below are the steps to resolve the error with the 0x800F0244 code.

  1. Download the attached file and extract it.
  2. Navigate to Control Panel > Device Manager.
  3. Click Network Adapters > Kerio Virtual Network Adapter.
  4. Right-click and select Properties.
  5. Go to the Details tab, select Inf name from Property select box.
    Copy the name displayed in the Value section (like oem22.inf). Your name of the file might be different.

  6. Rename the oem.inf file from archive to match the name from Properties menu in the previous step and copy it to C:\Windows\INF.
  7. Copy kvnet.sys file from archive to C:\Windows\System32\drivers.
  8. Try to install the latest public release again.



Kerio VPN Client can be installed successfully.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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