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Syncing LanGuard Computer Tree with Active Directory


This article shares information about using the Sync-up with Active Directory feature for adding devices in the Computer Tree


This feature enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Add computers that are in Active directory but not yet in GFI LanGuard.
  • Move computers to the correct Organizational Unit (OU) in the GFI LanGuard computer tree.
  • Remove computers that have been deleted from Active Directory but are still present in GFI LanGuard.


Adding Devices to LanGuard from Active Directory

Follow these steps to add computers to GFI LanGuard from Active Directory:

  1. Right-click the computer tree.
  2. Select Synchronize with Active Directory.
  3. Key in the domain credentials required to retrieve the domain's Organizational Units and click OK.
  4. Click Next to start the synchronization process.
  5. In the list of discovered computers, review the displayed list of changes that this process will do. This list shows where specific computers will be repositioned with respect to Active Directory Organizational Units.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review the list of computers that will be added to GFI LanGuard from Active Directory.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the list of computers that are no longer present, or have been deleted from Active Directory.
  10. Click Sync.
  11. On process completion, click Finish.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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