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What 3rd party products does GFI LanGuard offer major / minor version upgrades for?


GFI LanGuard offers to update (i.e. shows as missing) 3rd Party applications depending on the application. The ability to upgrade to either the next update (patch) or to the next major major version depends on the application's installers (provided by the application publisher) and whether there is a risk of breaking other applications that depend on the current version.

There are 3 categories of upgrade possibilities:

Class A:  (default)

GFI LanGuard offers only the latest patch available (minor version or major version), because the product installers allow it and because upgrades do not imply licensing or known compatibility issues. 

  • There is no common rule between vendors on what a major version means: for instance Google Chrome increases the major version number very frequently even for minor updates to the product. Others are more conservative and stay to the same major version number for years even though they make significant changes with each release. GFI is trying to unify the experience, and thus always makes a decision on what is to be handled as a major version and what is not.
  • Products marked with a * indicate that there has not been a major version release for that product since LanGuard has supported it, but the product is likely to be treated as a continuous upgrade in the future.
  • Class A is the default. Products are moved to other classes only if there are reasons for it: licensing changes, possible compatibility challenges, etc.
  • Click here to see the most recent patches available for you 3rd party application.

Class B: 

GFI LanGuard offers more than one option to the user: 1) install the latest patch within the installed major version, or 2) install the latest major version thus performing a major upgrade. User needs to decide if he has a valid license for the next version, or if compatibility is not an issue.

Class C: 

GFI LanGuard only offers the latest patch within the installed major version. It is either not supported by the vendor to upgrade directly nicely, or upgrading would break the application (e.g. Python) or may break other applications that depend upon it (e.g. Java).

Class A Applications:

Adobe Air
Adobe FlashPlayer
*Adobe InDesign
*Adobe Photoshop
Adobe ShockwavePlayer
Amazon.comInc AmazonCloudDrive
ApacheSoftwareFoundation OpenOffice
*Apple QuickTime
*Apple Safari Box
* BullzipPDFPrinter
*CanneverbeLtd CDBurnerXP
*CoreFTP CoreFTP
*DechoCorp MozyHmRemoteBackup
DonHo NotepadPlus
FoxitSoftware FoxitPhantomPDF
FoxitSoftware FoxitReader
*GlavSoftLLC TightVNC
Google Chrome
Google Drive
Google Earth
*Google Picasa
GougeletPierre XnView
*ideaMK STPViewer
*IgorPavlov 7zip
*ImgBurn ImgBurn
*IrfanSkiljan IrfanView
JAMSoftware TreeSizeFree
MalwarebytesCorp MalwarebytesAntiMalware
MartinPrikryl WinSCP
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Seamonkey
Mozilla Thunderbird Nmap
*Nullsoft Winamp
OpenSource Greenshot
*OpenSource Inkscape
OpenSource Pidgin
OperaSoftware OperaBrowser
*Oracle VirtualBox PDFCreator
PeaZipSRL PeaZip
Piriform CCleaner
RealNetworks RealPlayer
*SaferNetworkingLtd Spybot
SiberSystems RoboForm
*SimonTatham PuTTY
SkypeLimited Skype
TeamViewerGmbH TeamViewerHost
TheDocumentFoundation LibreOffice
*ThingamahoochieSoftware WinMerge
* TortoiseGIT TortoiseHG
* TortoiseSVN
*TimKosse FileZillaClient
TrackerSoftware PdfXCEditor
*TrackerSoftware PdfXCV
*UltraVNC UltraVNC
VMware ZimbraDesktop
Yahoo Messenger
Zenju FreeFileSync

Class B Applications:

Adobe Illustrator
Apple iTunes
Oracle JRE
Oracle MySQL
PythonSoftwareFoundation Python
RarLab WinRar
Riverbed Wireshark
TeamViewerGmbH TeamViewer
TechSmith SnagIT
WinZipComputing WinZip

Class C Applications:

Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Reader
Choose files or drag and drop files
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