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How can I deploy Microsoft Office 2007 using GFI LANguard?


The following procedure explains how to deploy Microsoft Office 2007 using GFI LANguard application management features. This procedure can be divided in the following sections:

  1. Run the Microsoft Office 2007 installation locally and record the required settings
  2. Create a batch script to be used by GFI LANguard to deploy Microsoft Office 2007
  3. Run the deployment using GFI LANguard

1. Run the Microsoft Office 2007 installation locally and record the required settings

This procedure will explain how to record the settings chosen during the installation into the admin file

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Browse to the directory containing the Microsoft Office 2007 setup files
  3. Run the following command:

    'setup.exe /admin'


  4. Configure all the options as applicable for your installation
  5. When all settings are chosen, save the recordings file in the same directory as the Microsoft Office 2007 setup files.

    NOTE: Ensure that the recordings file has a .msp file extension

There might be some other customizations you have to make in the customization tool in order to separate MS Office 2003 and 2007 properly on the systems. For information about these settings refer to

Once you have completed the above, it is recommended to try and install Microsoft Office 2007 on a sample machine using the recording file as follows:

'setup.exe /adminfile [filename].msp'

: The [filename] in the command must be replaced with filename of the recordings file taken in step (5).

2. Create a batch script to be used by GFI LANguard to deploy Microsoft Office 2007

In order for the GFI LANguard to deploy Microsoft Office 2007 on a number of remote machines, a batch file needs to be created which contains from where and how the package will be installed. The Microsoft Office 2007 installation files must be placed on a remote share which should be accessible to all the machine you wish to install Microsoft Office 2007. The following is an example of a batch script which could be used:

\\server1\msoffice2007\setup.exe /adminfile [filename].msp

3. Run the deployment using GFI LANguard

Once the batch script is created, one can proceed deploying Microsoft Office 2007 using GFI LANguard. This can be done by performing the procedure below:

  1. Open the GFI LANguard configuration
  2. Click on the 'Network Audit' tab and select 'Remediate'
  3. Under the Application Management section, click on 'Deploy Custom Software'
  4. Under the 'Specify the software to be deployed', click on the 'Add' button and select the batch script created above
  5. Specify which are the computers you wish to deploy Microsoft Office 2007 onto
  6. Under the 'Common Tasks' section, in the left pane, click on the 'Edit deployment options' link
  7. Click on the 'Advanced Tab' and enable the option 'Deploy software under the following administrative account' Specify the credentials to be used within the deployment and click 'Close'

    NOTE: The credentials supplied above are required to have:
    • Sufficient rights on the remote computers to run the installation
    • Log on as service privilege
    • Access to the network share where the Microsoft Office setup files are located
  8. Click on the 'Deploy' button under the 'Launch software deployment' section to begin the deployment
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
