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Error: 'Problem with default gateway' When Logging to Kerio Control Webadmin


There are instances where due to the specific configuration setup, the following clickable warning is displayed when logging in to Kerio Control Webadmin:

Problem with default gateway




On clicking on the warning, the following notification appears:

Duplicate default gateway was detected




This article provides a resolution for this issue.

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Root Cause

This notification warning is shown when there is an existing duplicate route.

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Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  1. On your PC, which is hosting Kerio Control installation (in case of VMware installations), open CLI and run the command:
    route delete x.x.x.x
    where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the duplicate interface.
  2. If there is no duplicate interface and Kerio Control is misinterpreting your Network setup, you can try to disable this notification by modifying the internal files:
    1. Enable SSH by navigating to Kerio Control Webadmin > hold Shift button and click Open Status > System Health > Enable SSH > Yes > Ok
    2. Log in via SSH
      • For Windows User, use Putty client.
        Username: root
        Password: same as Admin user
      • For Linux/macOS, use the following command:
        $ ssh root@ip_address_of_Control
    3. Navigate to the folder: $ cd /opt/kerio/winroute/webadmin
    4. Modify notifications.js. Notification about Duplicate gateway is located at line 224. Either delete or comment this line.
      line: 224:k_title: k_tr('Duplicate default gateway was detected', 'notifications')
    5. Restart Kerio Control using the command: $ /etc/boxinit.d/60winroute restart


[Note: It is recommended to make a copy of the original file before modifying it (the wrong correction can cause some issues with overall Notification functionality in Kerio Control)]

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No warning is seen in Kerio Control Webadmin when logging in.

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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
