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Exporting to File


Export to file enables you to export events to a configuration file that can be imported by another instance of GFI EventsManager.

NOTE: The Import to File and Export to File feature can be time and resources consuming. It is advisable to create multiple files with a smaller amount of data, rather than a single and large file.


To create an export to file job, do the following:

  1. Click the Configuration tab and select Options.

  2. From Configurations, right-click Database Operations node and select Create new job...

  3. Click Next at the wizard welcome screen.

  4. Select Import\Export Job and click Next.


  5. Select Export to File and click Next


  6. Key in the path to the folder where exported files are saved to. Alternatively, click Browse to look for the location then click Next.

  7. If the source database (esmstg) is encrypted, select Decrypt data using the following password and key in the decryption key in the Password field.

  8. To encrypt export data, select Encrypt exported data using the following password and key in an encryption key in the Password and Confirm password fields. 


  9. Click Next.

  10. Configure the following filtering options:


    Option Description
    Export all events  Export all events from the database. 
    Events older than  Only export events that are older than the specified number of days/weeks/months.
    Events in the last Only export events that occurred in the last specified number of days/weeks/months.
    Mark events as deleted Hide events from the source database after they are exported. To completely remove these events from the database, you must run a Commit Deletions job. For more information, refer to the article Creating Commit Deletions Job.
    Advanced... Click Advanced... to launch the Advanced Filtering dialog. This enables you to configure granular filtering parameters to export specific events only. For more information, refer to the article Building Query Restrictions.
  11. Click Next.

  12. Select when the job is executed and click Finish


Export Filename

The convention used by GFI EventsManager to name the export file is shown and described below:

[ESM ID]_[Job ID]_[Date From]_[Date To].EXP


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
