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Difference Between 'Scan Now' and 'Reset and Scan Now' in GFI EventsManager


This article explains the difference between the following console services available in GFI EventsManager, with additional information around their historical behavior:

  • Scan now
  • Reset and scan now



Here is how the two options work:

  • Scan now: Collects only new events from the last scan.
  • Reset and scan now: Collect all events existing on a target machine.


Additional Information

  • In EventsManager 2011, the option 'Reset and scan now' was limited to collecting the latest 2000 events, but this limitation was removed in EventsManager 2012.
  • When importing the settings from an installation prior to 2012, users may want to remove this limitation by performing the following steps:

    1. Browse to ..\GFI\EventsManager\Data\Settings\ESM Settings\
    2. Extract Advanced Settings.xml.gz (e.g. via 7-Zip).
    3. Open the extracted file Advanced Settings.xml in Notepad or any text editor.
    4. Search for LastNEvents and set their value to 0. Zero indicates that all events should be collected on 'Reset and scan' for any new scans using this option.
    5. Save the file.
    6. Save the edited Advanced Settings.xml file again as Advanced Settings.xml.gz with the utility that was used to extract the .gz file. When using 7-Zip, within the 7-Zip File Manager, perform these steps:

      1. Right-click Advanced Settings.xml, select 7-Zip > Add to archive...

      2. Ensure Advanced Settings.xml.gz is visible in the 'Archive:' field.
      3. Use Archive format: gzip
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
