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How to upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2012


This article provides information and process about upgrading to GFI EventsManager 2012.


This article does not refer to the latest version of the product. If you want to upgrade to the latest version, please refer to

Please make sure to read through this article in its entirety in order to prepare yourself for the upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2012. There are major enhancements in the backend database and reporting that requires understanding these considerations before upgrading and successfully maintaining your configuration and data.


  • If you are using a version older than GFI EventsManager 2011, it will require to first upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2011 before upgrading to GFI EventsManager 2012.
  • Custom reports and configuration settings from the GFI EventsManager 2011 ReportPack cannot be migrated to GFI EventsManager 2012 reporting.

Important pre-upgrade considerations:

  • Ensure that the server meets the increased minimum system requirements of GFI EventsManager 2012:
    • Processor: 2.5GHz or higher, dual-core or more
    • RAM: 3GB
    • Hard Disk: At least 10 GB of available disk space (plus additional space for event data storage)
  • A new license key is needed for GFI EventsManager 2012. A valid software maintenance agreement entitles you to upgrade the GFI EventsManager 2011 license key without further costs. License keys can be managed via the customer area: Upgrading License Key.
  • When doing an in-place upgrade, importing configuration and event data is only supported when moving from GFI EventsManager 2011.
  • Reporting functionality is fully integrated into the GFI EventsManager 2012 Console and no longer uses a separate ReportPack.
    • Note: Custom reports and configuration settings from the GFI EventsManager 2011 ReportPack cannot be migrated to GFI EventsManager 2012 reporting.
  • GFI EventsManager 2012 no longer supports SQL as a backend database but makes use of its own file-based storage engine. If event data was stored on another server before (SQL being installed remotely) the GFI EventsManager host might not have sufficient disk space. If this is the case, it is advisable to add more disk space to the partition where GFI EventsManager is installed.
    • The folder in which event data is stored is located under the GFI EventsManager 2012 program directory chosen during a new installation or an upgrade.
    • If installing the GFI EventsManager application on the system drive, consider moving the file storage folder after the installation to another drive to prevent the system hard disk from becoming full.
    • If old event data needs to be imported, it is recommended not to use the update wizard but use the database operations after the installation process is complete.

In-place upgrade procedure:

  1. Ensure to have a recent backup of the system. Refer to GFI EventsManager Backup instructions for more information.
  2. Disable any anti-virus software completely during the upgrade.
  3. IMPORTANT: Download GFI EventsManager 2012 Gold (build 20111130) from Do not upgrade to EventsManager 2012 SR1 directly.
  4. Run the installer.
  5. The installer will install prerequisites if needed (e.g. the .NET Framework 4 and SQL components).
  6. Confirm the uninstall of GFI EventsManager 2011 when asked such a dialog appears twice. If either of the dialogs is not confirmed, the installation will quit.User-added imageUser-added image

Note: The configuration data of GFI EventsManager 2011 will not be deleted but copied to the new installation folder as: "..\data_old". This will be used later to retain your configurations.

  1. During the installation of GFI EventsManager 2012, choose the new installation path (different from your previous install), enter your GFI license key, and specify a valid username and password under which the services will run (preferably a domain admin account).
  2. IMPORTANT: After the installation, the upgrade wizard will start automatically. Leave the window open and go to the next tab.User-added image
    • If you want to start over with a fresh installation, click Skip import.
    • If you click Import, general settings (like event source) will be imported plus the selection that you ticked.
    • It is recommended to skip the import of event data from the old main and backup database via the wizard as this it will take a considerable amount of time (see NOTES A section below).
  3. Download the Leave patch.
  4. Extract the file ImportSettings.exe in the EventsManager install folder (e.g. 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\EventsManager2013) overwriting the existing one. Back up the existing files first.
  5. Complete the import process started in step 2.
  6. Once the update wizard is completed, the upgrade process will finish.
  7. Ensure to add the new installation folder as an exception to the anti-virus software.

Additional Notes:

  • The import will process about 1000 records per second. With this benchmark note, a 20 GB database will take about 3 hours to complete.
    • This process speed was observed on a quad-core system importing from a remote SQL server connected via 1Gbps connection. The speed will vary depending on the environment.
  • The import can be performed after the update via the Management Console; Configuration tab, Options, Database Operations. Also, you can run UpgradeWizard.exe from the install directory of GFI EventsManager 2012.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
