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How to upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2013


This article does not refer to the latest version of the product.
If you want to upgrade to the latest version, please read:


  • If you are using a version older than GFI EventsManager 2012, it will be required to first upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2012 before upgrading to GFI EventsManger 2013. See: How to upgrade to GFI EventsManager 2012
  • Database rotation and Auto Update settings from GFI EventsManager 2012 cannot be migrated to GFI EventsManager 2013

Important pre-upgrade considerations:

  • Ensure that the server meets the increased minimum system requirements of GFI EventsManager 2013:
    • Processor: 2.5GHz or higher, dual core or more
    • RAM: 3GB
    • Hard Disk: at least 10 GB of available disk space (plus additional space for event data storage)
  • A new license key is needed for GFI EventsManager 2013. A valid software maintenance agreement entitles you to upgrade the GFI EventsManager 2012 license key without further costs. License keys can be managed via the customer area. For more information, please see the following article: Do I need to upgrade my license key when upgrading to a new version?
  • When doing an in-place upgrade, importing configuration and event data is only supported when moving from GFI EventsManager 2012

In-place upgrade procedure:

  1. Ensure that you have a recent backup of the system. GFI EventsManager Backup instructions can be found at KBID003703
  2. Disable any Anti-virus software completely during the update
  3. Download the latest installer from:
  4. (Depending on your security settings) Right-click the installer file and select Properties -> General -> Unblock -> Apply/OK
  5. Close the GFI EventsManager Management Console and run the setup program
  6. The installer will install prerequisites if needed (e.g. the .net Framework 4 and SQL components). This window allow you to decide if the Database Server and GFI EventsManager console should be installed on the same server
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  1. The first installation wizard to run is for installing the Database Server
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  1. Read and accept the License Agreement
  2. Set the installation location and click Next. No license key is required for this part of the installation
  3. The second installation wizard to run is for installing the GFI EventsManager files. If a previous version has been detected, a warning message will be displayed
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  1. Read and accept the License Agreement
  2. Add the new license for GFI EventsManager 2013 and enter the credentials for the service account
  3. Select the installation location
  4. Now you are prompted for the Database Server to connect to. If you have installed the Database Server and GFI EventsManager 2013 on the same server, you can set this setting to ‘localhost’.  If you have installed the Database Server on a separate machine, you can specify that Server for Data Storage
Note: When the Database Server is mounted on a separate machine, the TCP Port 9292 must be opened between the two machines
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  1. The installation process will import the settings from the previous version. Again, this is only possible when upgrading from GFI EventsManager 2012

Note: The configuration data of GFI EventsManager 2012 will not be deleted, but copied to the new installation folder as "..\Data_Old"). This will be used later to retain your configurations.

Important post-upgrade verification:

After upgrading from older versions, duplicates of some processing rules might be created. Please verify that you are not being affected by this behavior:
  1. Click Configuration tab > Event Processing Rules 
  2. On the left side, find the Rule Folders pane 
  3. Observe that you might have two folders called 'All rules'. These contain duplicated rules from the previous version.
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You can ignore the next steps if you only have a folder called 'All rules', otherwise do the following:
  1. Close GFI EventsManager Management Console and stop GFI EventsManager, GFI EventsManager Monitor and GFI Database Server services
  2. Download the patch
  3. Extract the files 'ImportSettings.exe' and 'selmcrmi.dll' in the EventsManager install folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\EventsManager2013) overwriting the existing one. Backup the existing files first.
  4. Run ImportSettings.exe in command line using the argument /repairSettings. The process might take time to complete, please do not stop the process.
  5. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\EventsManager2013\ImportSettings.exe /repairSettings
  6. Start GFI EventsManager, GFI EventsManager Monitor and GFI Database Server services
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 5 days ago
  3. Updated 4 days ago
