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How to transfer user browsing history data to the new backend database


GFI WebMonitor 2015 and newer versions:

GFI WebMonitor 10 only allows database transfers from GFI WebMonitor 2013 and newer versions. If on an older version, the software must be upgraded to at least GFI WebMonitor 2013 first.

  1. Choose which database backend you want to use in GFI WebMonitor (see the article titled: "What backend database should I use?"); by default it will use the a Firebird database.  If you wish to use MS SQL Server for your backend database, navigate to Settings General Database and configure it for your SQL Server instance.
  2. Run the WebMonDataImporterTool.exe (located in the GFI WebMonitor installation directory)
  3. In the Wizard, choose which version of the database you are upgrading from, the location of the original database(s), and the starting date of the data you want to transfer.  

GFI WebMonitor 2013 and previous versions:

Previous versions of GFI WebMonitor used two databases to store user browsing history:

  1. An internal database consisting of one of the following types (used to display information in the GFI WebMonitor console):
    • GFI WebMonitor 2009: SQLite (WMHistory*.db and WMAction*.db - one each per day)
    • GFI WebMonitor 2011: Firebird (WMONHISTORY.FDB - one only)
  2. An external SQL Server database (used ONLY by the report pack)
Beginning with GFI WebMonitor 2012, the internal and external databases have been combined and all viewing of user browsing and reporting is done through one common database. The administrator has the option to use an integrated Firebird database, or switch to a new Microsoft SQL Server Database (not the old report pack database).

During the upgrade process from GFI WebMonitor 2009 OR from GFI WebMonitor 2011, the installer will create a new Firebird database (<WebMonitor\Data\WEBMON.FDB>) that has a different structure than the original Firebird or SQLite databases (<WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data>). The data from the original databases WILL NOT be automatically transferred to the new database during the installation.

If you wish to transfer the user browsing data to the new database for viewing in the GFI WebMonitor User Interface and Reporting, use the following procedures:
  1. Choose which database backend you want to use in GFI WebMonitor (see the article titled: "What backend database should I use?"); by default it will use the new Firebird database.  If you wish to use MS SQL Server for your backend database, navigate to Settings > General > Database and configure it for your SQL Server instance
  2. Run the WebMonDataImporterTool.exe (located in the GFI WebMonitor installation directory)
  3. In the Wizard, choose which version of the database you are upgrading from (2009, 2011, 2011R3, 2012, ), the location of the original database(s), and the starting date of the data you want to transfer.  See the notes below to guide you in your selection. 

  • Run the tool during a period of low user activity
  • (GFI WebMonitor 2013): Only used when transferring data from a GFI WebMonitor 2013 Firebird database to a WebMonitor 2013 MS SQL Server database of the same version
  • (GFI WebMonitor 2012): Only used when upgrading from GFI WebMonitor 2012 to GFI WebMonitor 2012 Service Release 1, when the upgrade process fails to automatically update the 2012 database schema to the changed 2012 SR1 schema. This cannot transfer data from a 2012 SR1 database to another 2012 SR1 database
  • (GFI WebMonitor 2011 R3): The default database is <Webmonitor\Interface\App_Data\WMONHISTORY.FDB>. If you are upgrading from this release you will also have a file called threattrack_current_revision.txt in the same directory (Threat Track was new to the R3 release)
  • (GFI WebMonitor 2011): The default database is <WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\WMONHISTORY.FDB>. If you are upgrading from this release YOU WILL NOT have a file called threattrack_current_revision.txt in the same directory (Threat Track was new to the R3 release)
  • (GFI WebMonitor 2009): These will be WMHistory*.db and WMAction*.db files located (by default) in the <WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data> directory
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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