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Backing Up and Restoring the GFI WebMonitor ISA/TMG Version Configuration


Follow the instructions provided below to back up and restore the configuration for the ISA/TMG (Internet Security and Acceleration/Threat Management Gateway) version of GFI WebMonitor.



Backing up the GFI WebMonitor ISA/TMG Version Configuration

To back up the configurations for the ISA/TMG version of GFI WebMonitor, save a copy of the following GFI WebMonitor configuration files:


GFI WebMonitor 2012 R2 (20120831) Onwards

A new Import and Restore tool has been included as of this release. Please refer to the Backing up GFI WebMonitor article for detailed instructions.

GFI WebMonitor 2012 and 2013

  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\configuration.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\quarantine.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Data\WEBMON.FDB

GFI WebMonitor 2011

  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\configuration.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\quarantine.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\WMONHISTORY.FDB
Note: GFI WebMonitor 2011, Service Release 3 (build 20110920 and later) has a different configuration.db structure than previous GFI WebMonitor 2011 builds.  Therefore, you cannot restore a configuration.db file from GFI WebMonitor 2011 builds prior to build 20110920, directly into 20110920 and later builds. If you need to do this, please contact technical support.

GFI WebMonitor 2009

  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\avapicfg.mdb
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\configuration.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\wmhistory*.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\wmaction*.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\Interface\App_Data\quarantine.db
  • GFI\WebMonitor\WebMonCfg.TXT
  • GFI\WebMonitor\LiveRules.txt


Restoring the GFI WebMonitor ISA/TMG Version Configuration

To restore the configurations for the ISA/TMG version of GFI WebMonitor, perform the following procedure:

  1. Stop the following services from the Services console: 
    • GFI WebMonitor 
    • GFI WebMonitor Attendant Service (2011 only)
    • GFI WebMonitor Core Service (2012 and 2013only)
    • Microsoft Firewall (Note: this will break all connections)
  2. Copy and replace the GFI WebMonitor configuration files listed above.
  3. Start the services stopped in step 1.

Note: This procedure can be used when implementing a CARP installation of GFI WebMonitor (ISA/TMG only). This will ensure that the various installations of GFI WebMonitor running in the CARP array have identical configurations.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
