Error 'Unexpected error when opening ...' when collecting text logs
Versions / Builds Affected
EventsManager 2013 SR1
Problem Summary
EventsManager cannot collect text logs because the system does not accept multiple connections
How to Identify
This is a general error displayed in the Operational History pane but we would need to check the logs to see if the EventsManager instance is being affected by this issue. - Browse to - Open the last 'W3celffcollectorplugin_*.csv' file created - Search for the error 'win32 error code 1219'. You will find the following error: 2014-02-18, 10:06:53, 557, 0, 1954, 1a68, error, W3CelffCollectorPlugin.dll, ConnectToFolder, Unable to connect to remote path \\\C$\inetpub\logs\LogFiles - win32 error code 1219
Workaround / Fix Details
There is not a workaround or patch available yet. Development still investigating this issue.
Required Actions
Collect the troubleshooting file and escalate to PSG
Priyanka Bhotika