Slowness processing events from Domain Controllers
Versions / Builds Affected
EventsManager 2013 SR1
Problem Summary
EventsManager takes more than 3-5 minutes to collect and process 1.000 events.
How to Identify
You will notice that the Domain Controllers create more events than EventsManager can handle, therefore causing loss of events or getting delayed notifications. 1- Go to 'Status' tab > 'Job Activity' 2- In the 'Operational History' pane you will see how often we process events from the sources. If the time between tasks on the same Server/Source is more than 3 minutes, then you are affected by this issue.
Workaround / Fix Details
Development has created a fix for this issue. This will be treated as a Hot-fix and will be applied only by PSG.
Required Actions
- Attach this article to the case - Collect the troubleshooter file - Escalate to PSG
Priyanka Bhotika