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Temporarily Disabling GFI WebMonitor Standalone Proxy


There are instances where, during troubleshooting, you need to disable GFI WebMonitor to determine whether if an occurring issue is related to the web filter or a network/Internet problem. This article provides the required steps to temporarily disable GFI WebMonitor Standalone Proxy in WebMonitor 2013, 2015, and ISA/TMG.


GFI WebMonitor 2013

  1. Configuration > Settings > Proxy Settings > General, and set the Listen on All option to Off
  2. On the client machine, disable the proxy in the Internet Connection settings; this will allow connections to pass through with no inspection.


GFI WebMonitor 2015 and later

  1. Open the GFI WebMonitor Management Console.
  2. Locate the gear icon in the top-right and click on Settings.
  3. Navigate to Core Settings > Connection Settings.
  4. Go to the External Network Card and set the Listen on all option to Off.
  5. Click on Save to apply the changes.



  1. Launch the ISA Management Console under the Configuration > Add-Ins > Web Filters tab.
  2. Right-click on GFI WebMonitor Webfilter and select Disable.
  3. Click on the Apply button; this will not disrupt the current connections. 
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
