Unable to update Bitdefender engine with message “download failed”.
The Event Viewer application logs show the following error:
Failed to update Engine Bitdefender: System.Net.WebException: error from remote server (416) Requested Range Not Satisfiable.
- GFI WebMonitor build: 20151019
The solution for this problem consists of two steps:
Step 1: Disable proxy caching:
- Open the GFI WebMonitor interface
- In the main menu click the
- Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Proxy Settings
- Click Caching.
- Set Enable Caching to Off.
Step 2: Clear proxy cache data
- Close the GFI WebMonitor interface
- Go to Start > Run > Services.msc
- Stop the following services:
- GFI Proxy Service
- GFI WebMonitor Core
- Browse to <GFI WebMonitor installation path>\GFI\WebMonitor\HttpCache
- Clear the proxy cache data stored in the HttpCache folder.
- Start the services stopped on step 3.
- Open GFI WebMonitor interface.
The proxy cached data is corrupt. By disabling and clearing the old proxy cached data the download will start successfully updating the security engines.
Priyanka Bhotika