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Oneguard | Gathering subagent installation logs for review



  • Occasionally errors occur with a subagent installation error.
  • Oneguard stores the installation logs in a Temp directory located within its own installation folder instead of the default temp directory,  
  • Follow the following steps to gather the installation logs for subagents on the agent device. 
  1. Navigate to the agent device, either through remote or Admin Share
  2. In ..\Program Files (x86)\GFI\Oneguard Agent\Temp locate the appropriate subagent installation file (LanguardSubagentInstall.log, AntivirusSubagentInstall.log)
  3. Make a copy and zip these filesdaolpU

Upload to GFI FTP site

Follow the directions below.
Note: Make sure you give the file uploaded a unique name.
FTP Server details:
User: gfi
Pass: gfi911cust
(If using Internet Explorer use
  1. Open the FTP site
  • Please use either IE6 or the My Computer window (address bar)  
  • Do not use IE7 
  1. Login to the FTP server by clicking File in the top left corner of the browser, then Login As. Please use the credentials above to access the site.
  2. You should now be at a Blank page. Upload the zip directory with the troubleshooting files by right clicking the zip and choosing Copy, then right click in the blank space of the FTP site and select Paste. Note: When the upload is finished, you will not be able to see the directory or the files. This is done to safeguard your privacy.
  3. Send an email reply to the case to confirm that the files have been uploaded, and provide the name of the file(s) uploaded.
  4. If you are unable to load the logs to our FTP site, you could upload them to a website like or Either one of those options you would list yourself as the sender/recipient. Once you've received the download link just reply back to this email with the URL for the download.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
