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Transferring the Firewall Configuration


You can transfer the configuration of the firewall to a different system. There are two basic scenarios where you would want to do this:

  • Your original hardware device is broken, and you received a new hardware device of the same type.
  • Your original hardware device works well, but you want to upgrade your infrastructure with a new Kerio Control hardware device.

To switch from one Kerio Control hardware appliance to another, you need to configure and register the new Kerio Control and then switch off the original appliance. This article details the following steps which are involved in transferring the firewall configuration:

  1. Exporting the Current Configuration
  2. Registering a New Kerio Control Appliance
  3. Upgrading the New Kerio Control Hardware Appliance
  4. Importing the Configuration in the New Box
  5. Restoring Configurations



Step 1: Exporting Current Configuration

  1. In the administration interface, go to the Dashboard

  2. Go to Configuration Assistant > Export your configuration.


If the configuration cannot be exported for any reason, download the backup file from MyKerio or an FTP server. 

NOTE: If the original Kerio Control appliance does not work and there is no backup, the new Kerio Control appliance would have to be manually configured.

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Step 2: Registering a New Kerio Control Appliance

If the new hardware appliance is of the same type as the original one, it is possible to use the same license. In all other cases, you need a new license.
(For details, contact a Kerio sales representative.)

Registering the new Kerio Control hardware appliance is a part of the Activation Wizard, which is started by pointing the browser to

NOTE: The IP address may differ depending on your network.

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Step 3: Upgrading the New Kerio Control Hardware Appliance

Before you import the configuration, you must have the same version of Kerio Control that was running on the original appliance (or a newer version) installed on the new hardware appliance: 

  1. In the administration interface, go to Advanced Options > Software Update

  2. If a new version is available, click the Download button. 

  3. After the new version downloads, click Upgrade Now and wait for the server to restart. Once the server has restarted, the Kerio Control hardware appliance should be up-to-date.

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Step 4: Importing the Configuration to the New Box

Proceed with the transfer by importing the configuration:

  1. In the administration interface, go to the Dashboard

  2. Go to Configuration Assistant > Import configuration.


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Step 5: Restoring Configurations

  1. In the Import Configuration wizard, click on Upload Configuration File.
  2. Select the exported configuration file and click Open.
  3. Select Restore from backup to restore all the configurations.


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Kerio Control pairs the imported network interfaces with the real interfaces on the appliance.
Finalize the transfer by disconnecting the original hardware appliance and properly connecting the new one.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
