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  • Enabling Mailbox Archive Restrictions in GFI Archiver

    Overview This article shares the process of enabling Mailbox Archive Restrictions in GFI Archiver.   Solution Follow these steps: Open GFI Archiver admin interface. Select Configuration. Click Archive...

  • Understanding Archive Restrictions Options in GFI Archiver

    Overview GFI Archiver requires a license for every mailbox. Administrators may need to exclude individual mailboxes from archiving while including only specific ones. This can be achieved by understan...

  • Using Archiving Rules in GFI Archiver

    Overview This article shares information around understanding and using archiving rules in GFI Archiver. The article also provides links to related articles to manage the rules after creation.   Intro...

  • Configuring Archiving Method in GFI Archiver

    Overview GFI Archiver offers different archiving options. Depending on your infrastructure and organization objectives, you can use the Archiving Method to define how GFI Archiver collects items for s...

  • Disabling Mailbox Archive Restrictions in GFI Archiver

    Overview This article shares the process of disabling Mailbox Archive Restrictions in GFI Archiver.   Solution Follow these steps: Open GFI Archiver admin interface. Select Configuration. Click Archiv...

  • GFI Archiver Requirements for Microsoft Outlook or CDO/MAPI

    Overview   This article describes the features of GFI Archiver, which require Microsoft Outlook or CDO/MAPI (Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects).      Introduction Ce...

  • How are Retention Policies applied in GFI Archiver?

    Overview This article provides a description of functionality for Retention Policies  Introduction GFI Archiver checks email content against any retention policies configured at the time of archiving ...

  • Configuring the IMAP Server in GFI Archiver

    Overview This article provides the steps to configure the IMAP Server in GFI Archiver, allowing connectivity to the archived content through alternative means than the preferred tools.    Prerequisite...

  • Creating a New Email Retention Policy

    Overview This article outlines how to create a new Email Retention Policy. Retention Policies define the length of time that an archived email is retained in the Archive Store before it is deleted. Fo...