Overview Administrators need to set configuration for certain roles within the Archiver product for functionality such as viewing all user archives. Each role and its configuration can be viewed below...
Overview This article will discuss actions to take after moving to a new AD server while utilizing GFI Archiver Diagnosis There are two distinct ways users can be migrated when moving to a new A...
Overview This article explains Access Control for GFI Archiver and lists their pre-configured groups that can be used to provide access to other mailboxes. Introduction By default, users can browse ...
Overview This article explains the process of adding users as Group Managers in Access Control of GFI Archiver. Diagnosis Users can be configured to have access to the mailboxes of users configure...
Overview This article explains the process of adding specific users in Access Control of GFI Archiver, granting access to another archived mailbox. Diagnosis User Access Control enables you to gra...
Overview This article explains the process of configuring these shared mailboxes in Access Control of GFI Archiver. Diagnosis Shared mailboxes are mailboxes that can be accessed by a whole set of us...
Overview Domain Administrators should have access to review all mailboxes in GFI Archiver by default but permissions can be adjusted. and access may need to be granted for viewing all mailboxes Diag...