GFI FaxMaker enables administrators to access and generate reports that provide insight on fax and SMS usage.
This article provides general information on Reports for GFI FaxMaker. Refer to the following articles if you require specific instructions:
Reports are based on data logged to the GFI FaxMaker Firebird or Microsoft® SQL/MSDE archiving database.
Ensure that the database contains all the GFI FaxMaker data to be reported upon. For example, when changing the database backend from Firebird to Microsoft® SQL/MSDE, run the Migration Tool to migrate historical data from the Firebird database to the new database. This ensures that historical data is included in all reports that are generated.
To access the reports:
- Log in to the GFI FaxMaker web console. Only GFI FaxMaker administrators have access to this screen and it is not shown to regular users that log in to the web console.
- Click the Reports tab from the top menu bar.
- Use the left pane of the Reports screen to filter between reports.
- In the Default Reports section, choose All to show all the default reports or click Fax or SMS to show default reports related to fax or SMS usage respectively.
- In the Corporate section, access your Custom or Scheduled reports.
The screenshot below shows a sample graphical fax usage report:
Priyanka Bhotika