This article gives information on the upgrade paths for GFI FaxMaker. It also provides more information as to why an upgrade failed.
Important information to consider before upgrading your FaxMaker software.
- The upgrade is not reversible, so you cannot downgrade to the last version.
- GFI FaxMaker 20 works with a subscription model, where after the subscription expires, the product stops sending faxes and SMS. A renewal of the subscription is required to resume the service. See the post license expiration grace period article for applicable grace periods when the subscription expires.
- GFI FaxMaker 19.2 and later only support 64-bit installations. It is not possible to upgrade over a 32-bit instance, and a new installation in a supported environment is required. For more information, refer to Migrating GFI FaxMaker article.
- GFI FaxMaker 2015 introduces GFI Directory as a new user management system when Active Directory is not available. When upgrading over an installation without Active Directory, run the Configuration Wizard after the installation to automatically install and import all users to GFI Directory. Installing FaxMaker in SMTP mode is no longer an option that is usable.
- When upgrading over an installation that uses a Microsoft Access archive database, GFI FaxMaker migrates archive data to a Firebird database. When using a Microsoft® SQL/MSDE database, GFI FaxMaker upgrades the database schema. These database changes are automatically done in the background separate from the installation. It is recommended to take a backup of the database before starting the upgrade. This backup may be useful to re-import the database if the upgrade fails.
- When upgrading to a new major release, you also need to upgrade your license key.
- Check that you are installing GFI FaxMaker on the machine that meets the system and hardware requirements.
Backup the GFI FaxMaker configuration before the upgrade. The backup could be useful in reverting the configuration should the upgrade fail.
- Log on as a Domain Administrator or use an account with domain access and local administrative privileges.
- During the upgrade, GFI FaxMaker services and operations are stopped. No faxes or SMS messages will be sent while the upgrade is taking place. Ensure that there are no faxes or SMS messages are in the queue as these are permanently lost during the upgrade.
- Save any pending work and close all open applications on the machine.
- Disable anti-virus software on the server machine during the upgrade. Re-enable it once the upgrade is complete.
- The installation procedure and the upgrade procedure are the same process, as you run the installer and follow the prompts as seen in the Installing FaxMaker article.
- The upgrade runs and installs the new version over the old version picking up the settings that already exist from the old version, bringing them into the new version.
- When the installation is complete, the setup automatically launches the GFI FaxMaker Configuration Wizard and when complete all GFI FaxMaker services will be restarted.
Two things should be confirmed after an upgrade:
- The software actually upgraded to the new version
- Proper operation of the software after upgrade
The software actually upgraded to the new version
Open the FaxMaker Configuration > expand General > select Version information > select properties and the version information will be listed there.
Proper operation of the software after upgrade completion
Provided the fax devices and lines were setup during the Configuration Wizard, the steps below will be able to be completed. Other things, like routing, printing and any additional users, for example, will still need to be setup.
- Go to the GFI FaxMaker Monitor and ensure that fax lines are present and initialized.
- Select Start > Programs > GFI FaxMaker Web Interface
- Login to the FaxMaker Web Interface
- Select the Monitor tab and verify lines are in place and initialized.
- Select Start > Programs > GFI FaxMaker Web Interface
- Test the functionality of GFI FaxMaker by sending and receiving test fax.
Priyanka Bhotika