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Using GFI FaxMaker with Office 365



  1. To send faxes using Microsoft Outlook, please review: How to setup GFI FaxMaker with hosted email solutions
  2. To send faxes via the GFI FaxMaker Fax Message Form, install and configure the GFI FaxMaker Client following the article: How to send faxes through GFI FaxMaker using the client, with no Exchange in organization


  1. Login to the Office 365 Portal (
  2. Under the Management section, navigate to 'Domains'
  3. Select the radio button next to your mail domain, then select 'Manage DNS'
  4. Copy the 'Points to address' value which aligns to the Type MX row
  5. In the GFI FaxMaker Configuration, select 'Email2FAXGateway', Properties
  6. Under the 'SMTP connector' tab, in the Mail server name field, place the value from Step 4 above.  Port field can be configured with a value of 25
    • If desired, you may configure your Email2FAXGateway settings to Use SSL
  7. Select to 'Send test email' to an email address of a user configured in the 'Licensed users' node of the GFI FaxMaker Configuration and ensure success in receipt


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
