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There are no lines that you can send through.Item is NOT in cache

Versions / Builds Affected

FaxMaker 20150826



Problem Summary

User attempts to send fax which fails with error "There are no lines that you can send through. This is typically a misconfiguration on the fax server. Contact your systems administrator." This applies when users are attached to sending lines.



How to Identify

Logs show: 2015-12-01,09:48:14,864,1,"#00000a5c","#00000c54","info ","notifications","CNotification::tagReplace:: description_multi -> There are no lines that you can send through. This is typically a misconfiguration on the fax server. Contact your systems administrator." 2015-12-01,09:48:07,709,1,"#00000A5C","#00000079","info ","UserManagement.AD","GetAdObject: type: EmailEx, filter:" 2015-12-01,09:48:07,709,1,"#00000A5C","#00000079","info ","UserManagement.AD","GetAdObject: Item is NOT in cache." This is happening because in the db (fmdb_rul.mdb, table: tb_userslinesinfo) there are still OLD records

Workaround / Fix Details

1. Create a dummy line 2. Open the line properties of the line created in 1. 3. Go to the Users tab. 4. There should be 4 users (one of them should be 5. Delete all users listed. 6. Delete the line created in 1. 7. Restart the GFI FaxMaker Fax Server. This was fixed in version 20160310
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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