Outbound SMS are not send since upgrade to GFI FaxMaker 2015
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI FaxMaker 2015
How to Identify
In GFI FaxMaker users and groups have been licensed. All users / groups are present in Active Directory. There is ONE group which is from type "distribution group". The group is called "XXX". It holds only members which are NOT part of the AD. It lists email addresses of different clients, so email domains are different. Starting from GFI FaxMaker 2015 those SMS email jobs originated from those different clients are rejected, although these were successfully processed in GFI FaxMaker 2014. => SMS Email job was send by espoo@vauvatalojohanna.fi to 0400800901@smsmaker.com. Sender is member of the licensed group "Polenta". In GFI FaxMaker 2014 SMS job was processed. In GFI FaxMaker 2015 SMS jobs are rejected. C://POSTI.Lastentarvike.local/" 2015-07-22,17:59:36,248,1,"#000016F4","#00000003","info ","UserManagement.AD","GetAdObject: type: UserName, filter: espoo@vauvatalojohanna.fi" 2015-07-22,17:59:36,248,1,"#000016F4","#00000003","info ","UserManagement.AD","GetAdObject: Item is NOT in cache." 2015-07-22,17:59:36,263,1,"#000016F4","#00000003","info ","UserManagement.AD","GetAdObject: No items found"
Workaround / Fix Details
Not yet identified
Required Actions
Identify whether the situation described is similar If similar, capture full log files including sinkdrop probe Attach known issue Escalate case
Priyanka Bhotika