GFI FaxMaker fails to send SMS messages.
- GFI FaxMaker
- GFI Network Server Monitor
- supported GSM SMS modems
Root Cause
The GSM SMS modem may have stopped responding.
- Please ensure that at least one fax channel has been configured in GFI FaxMaker that allows to send and receive faxes.
- Insert the SIM card which has been used with GFI FaxMaker to a compatible mobile phone. Please verify whether the signal is available and if it is strong. Remove any pin codes from the SIM card. Then send a test SMS. If this works correctly, try to send a test SMS from the GFI FaxMaker configuration. If required, relocate the GSM SMS modem to improve the quality of the signal.
- Should the SIM card work correctly from a mobile phone, but sending SMS still fail from GFI FaxMaker configuration, then proceed as follows:
- Stop the GFI FaxMaker Message Transfer Agent and any services of 3rd party applications that use actively the attached GSM SMS modem
- Use HyperTerminal / Putty to connect with the attached GSM SMS modem. (Generally Bps: 9600, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: Hardware. Consult the Modem documentation for correct settings)
- Type 'AT' and press enter. The GSM SMS modem should return “OK”
- Query the SMS Service number on the SIM with the following command:
at+csca? [ENTER] - If you need to change the SMS Service Center number enter the following command:
at+csca = "+61418706700"[ENTER]
"+61418706700" is an example SMS Service Center number in international format. Ask your network operator for your SMSC number.
- Send a test SMS as follow:
Set terminal from "pdu" to “text“ SMS:
Set the destination phone number in international format:
Enter the text message and terminate it with “CTRL Z”
>Test [CTRL-Z]
The modem should return:
+CMGS: 1
Where 1 is the message reference, which is different for every sent SMS message. If the GSM SMS modem returns ERROR, then there is most likely a problem with the SIM card / SMSC number / GSM SMS device. Please consult our Technical support for further advise.
Note: Most GSM SMS modems we have tested required a baud rate of 9600 in the properties of GSM modem in the GFI FaxMaker SMS device configuration
Priyanka Bhotika