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Troubleshoot Issues with Sending SMS Messages


GFI FaxMaker fails to send SMS messages.



  • GFI FaxMaker
  • GFI Network Server Monitor
  • supported GSM SMS modems

Root Cause


The GSM SMS modem may have stopped responding.


  1. Please ensure that at least one fax channel has been configured in GFI FaxMaker that allows to send and receive faxes.
  2. Insert the SIM card which has been used with GFI FaxMaker to a compatible mobile phone. Please verify whether the signal is available and if it is strong. Remove any pin codes from the SIM card. Then send a test SMS. If this works correctly, try to send a test SMS from the GFI FaxMaker configuration. If required, relocate the GSM SMS modem to improve the quality of the signal.
  3. Should the SIM card work correctly from a mobile phone, but sending SMS still fail from GFI FaxMaker configuration, then proceed as follows:
    1. Stop the GFI FaxMaker Message Transfer Agent and any services of 3rd party applications that use actively the attached GSM SMS modem
    2. Use HyperTerminal / Putty to connect with the attached GSM SMS modem. (Generally Bps: 9600, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: Hardware. Consult the Modem documentation for correct settings)
    3. Type 'AT' and press enter. The GSM SMS modem should return “OK
    4. Query the SMS Service number on the SIM with the following command:
      at+csca? [ENTER]
    5. If you need to change the SMS Service Center number enter the following command:
      at+csca = "+61418706700"[ENTER]
      "+61418706700" is an example SMS Service Center number in international format. Ask your network operator for your SMSC number.
    6. Send a test SMS as follow:
      Set terminal from "pdu" to “text“ SMS:
      Set the destination phone number in international format:
      Enter the text message and terminate it with “CTRL Z
      >Test [CTRL-Z]
      The modem should return:
      +CMGS: 1

      Where 1 is the message reference, which is different for every sent SMS message. If the GSM SMS modem returns ERROR, then there is most likely a problem with the SIM card / SMSC number / GSM SMS device. Please consult our Technical support for further advise.

Note:  Most GSM SMS modems we have tested required a baud rate of 9600 in the properties of GSM modem in the GFI FaxMaker SMS device configuration

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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