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How to configure authentication in Microsoft SQL Server


Most GFI Software Products use or support Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or newer.  When using Microsoft SQL Server you may need to add accounts for authentication and access to the relevant databases. 
  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the appropriate instance of SQL

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  1. Navigate to Security > Logins. Right-click Logins and select New Login...

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  1. In the "Login - New" dialog select the name of the account needing to access and manage the database. If creating a SQL account use the SQL Server authentication selection (see important note below).

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  1. Right-click the newly added account and choose "Properties"
  2. Select the "Server Roles" node and select the "sysadmin" role. The product's service account needs this role in order to create new databases.

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By default, Microsoft SQL server has ONLY Windows Authentication Mode selected. If you are going to use a Microsoft SQL Account (such as the "SA" account) you must insure that Microsoft SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode is selected.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
