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Error: '1711 - Registry write error' When Sending Faxes



When sending a fax with an attachment through GFI FaxMaker, the sender receives a report with the following error:

1711 - Registry write error

This article describes the root cause and resolution of the error mentioned above.




  • GFI FaxMaker
  • All supported environments


Root Cause

This error occurs when GFI FaxMaker does not have access to the necessary registry keys for the program to run correctly. It may also mean GFI FaxMaker was unable to write a value to the registry.




  1. Press Windows Key + R.
  2. Type regedit.exe and click OK.
  3. Ensure that the following registry key exists and that the GFI FaxMaker FaxServer login account has permission to access it:
    • For 32 bit Systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GFI Fax & Voice
    • For 64 bit Systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432node\GFI Fax & Voice


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
