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SS Expiry Date: An Overview


In the Exinda, there are various types of licenses. Sometimes, these licenses can expire and show up in the web UI as 'Expired'. This article explains the expiry date being referred to in the license status.



In the Exinda, there are different license statuses. These indicate various points in time when the license on the Exinda will 'expire' or 'go inactive'. See the following image:


There are three important parameters to look at: Valid, Active and the SS Expiry Date.

  • Valid: Means that the license is valid and within all expiry dates. In most cases, the license being valid only depends on the SS Expiry date but in some cases (PoC deployments, temporary deployments), it can be based on a 'license expiry' in general.
  • Active: The current license applied to the Exinda.
  • SS Expiry Date: The date that the support contract for this Exinda expires.

A license can possibly be valid and active, but the SS Expiry Date can be expired. This is in cases where the purchase order for a new support contract is being processed and the license has temporarily been extended to compensate for that. In this case, the SS Expiry Date will still show in red and show up as expired.

The SS Expiry Date necessitates that the appliance will still operate as intended in terms of the functionality of the license (shaping/optimizing bandwidths, edge cache, monitoring, etc) but there will be no software updates, anonymous proxy updates, etc, or detailed support for this device.

If hardware support is on the device and has expired, there can be no replacements done or RMA procedures started. If a support case is opened up, the TAC team will not be able to assist. SS Expiry can lapse and the box will still operate fine (barring the software updates and related functionality). So if renewal is late, there is no reduced functionality such as going into a 'monitor only' mode.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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