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Console in Tool Menu Not Working in Internet Explorer 11


Opening System > Tools > Console on the Exinda's Web UI results in the following error when opened in Internet Explorer 11.

This page can't be displayed

But, it works fine when opened with Firefox, Chrome, etc. This article provides a resolution for this error.


Root Cause

The console application which is used from the Web UI has compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 11.



The resolution to this error is to add the Exinda's IP address to Internet Explorer 11's Compatibility View settings. Follow the steps given below:

  1. In the top-right corner of Internet Explorer 11, click on the Settings wheel.
  2. Open Compatibility View settings.
  3. Enter the Exinda's IP address in the Add this website: text area and press Add.

After refreshing the Tools > Console page, the error will no longer appear.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
