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Error: '404 Source Not Found' When Opening the Console


After upgrading to GFI WebMonitor, the console shows the following error message when trying to open the console:

ERROR 404 Source not found.



  • GFI WebMonitor 
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 / 9


Root Cause

The security settings in the browser do not allow this web address as it is not recognized as a legitimate source.



Place the GFI WebMonitor server address in the Trusted Sites of the browser:

  1. From Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > Security tab.
  2. Select Trusted Sites > Sites.
  3. Enter GFI WebMonitor server address or IP Address and click on Add.
  4. Select Close > OK
  5. Restart the Internet Explorer.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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