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Standby/Bypass Mode While Installing New NIC


The customer wants to know if Exinda can be plugged into the network, and can be powered down to install an additional fiber card (Network Interface Card (NIC)). This article provides the necessary information.



Follow the steps given below:

  1. Keep in mind that when doing this, first, the system goes into bypass mode.
  2. Power down the system through Graphic User Interface (GUI) so that the services are shut down cleanly. Possibly, one or two packets will be lost in the very brief outage. If the switchport that the Exinda is plugged into is not configured as portfast, it could possibly cause STP re-election, which could be several minutes of downtime.
  3. Once the card is installed, power the system on and verify connectivity and interfaces page to see the new card.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
