When you log in to the CLI (Command Line Interface) for the first time, you are presented with the option to run the CLI Jumpstart wizard. This is a guided wizard that helps with the initial configuration of the Exinda appliance.
This article provides information regarding all the questions that are encountered while running the CLI Jumpstart wizard.
NOTE: Changes are applied immediately after pressing Enter at each step. If you are changing network settings, use the serial console or VGA (Visual Graphics Adaptor)/keyboard to access the CLI.
Question | Description |
Response Details |
Enable IPv6? |
These questions allow you to enable IPv6 support for the entire system. |
If your network supports IPv6 then type Y , otherwise, type N . |
Enable IPv6 autoconfig (SLAAC) on eth1 interface? | If you enable IPv6, you have the option of enabling IPv6 SLAAC (System Level Applications of Adaptive Computing) autoconfiguration. |
Type |
Use eth0 for management access. Note: This disables br0 (Y/N)? |
Select whether to use eth0 for accessing management functionality. |
Not Applicable |
Use DHCP on eth1 (Y/N)? | This question is asking if you want to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for automatically acquiring IP connectivity settings. |
If you specify |
These questions allow you to enable bridges and optionally configure an address manually or by using DHCP. |
Not Applicable |
br2 IP address and netmask? [] |
Configure the IP address and netmask for the bridge. |
Not Applicable |
Hostname? |
This question is asking you to configure a hostname for the appliance. |
Not Applicable |
SMTP server address? |
To receive system alerts and reports, the Exinda appliance requires an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server to be configured so that emails can be sent. |
Not Applicable |
An email address for reports and alerts? | Not Applicable |
If you wish to receive system alerts and reports, type an email address here. |
Admin password (Enter to leave unchanged): | This question is asking you if you wish to change the password of the Exinda appliance's admin account. |
Press Enter to leave the password unchanged or enter a new password and you will be asked to re-enter the password again to confirm. |
Do you want to configure the interface speed and duplex settings? (Y/N)? | Not Applicable |
Do you want to change HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) proxy settings (Y/N)? | Not Applicable |
If you enter
Do you want to check for a new license online (Y/N)? | Not Applicable |
Enter |
Do you want to configure optimization policies (Y/N): | Not Applicable |
Answering |
Check for new firmware (Y/N)? | Not Applicable |
Answering |
The image below shows a sample CLI Jumpstart wizard execution:
NOTE: You can re-run the CLI Jumpstart wizard at any time by logging into the CLI (configuration mode) and typing: configuration jump
Priyanka Bhotika