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Exinda CLI: Interface



This article provides information regarding the CLI command interface which is used to configure the interface address and other IP networking settings.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The table below details all the commands which are used for the configuration of an interface. It also details commands which can be used for viewing the interface configuration.


Action Description Command   Parameter Description
To add or remove an IPv4 address and netmask for the specified interface [no] interface <inf> ip address <IPv4 addr> <netmask>

netmask - Specify the netmask as dotted quad format (e.g., or as a netmask length after a slash (e.g.,/24)

To enable IPv6 on the specified interface

[no] interface <inf> ipv6 enable Not Applicable

To add or remove an IPv6 address for the specified interface

[no] interface <inf> ipv6 address <IPv6 addr>/<len> <IPv6 addr>/<len> - e.g. 2001:db8:1234::5678/64

To enable IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) on the specified interface

[no] interface <inf> ipv6 address autoconfig [default | privacy]
  • default - Enables learning default routes
  • privacy - Enabled autoconfiguration privacy extensions

To enable DHCP on the specified interface

interface <inf> dhcp Not Applicable

To renew DHCP on the specified interface

interface <inf> dhcp renew Not Applicable

To configure an IPv4 alias on the specified interface

interface <inf> alias <alias index> ip <IPv4 addr> Not Applicable

To add a comment to the specified interface

interface <inf> comment <comment> Not Applicable

To configure the duplex of the specified interface

interface <inf> duplex {half|full|auto} Not Applicable

To configure the speed of this interface

interface <inf> speed {10|100|1000|auto}

Not Applicable

To configure the MTU of this interface interface <inf> mtu <mtu>

Not Applicable

To disable the specified interface interface <inf> shutdown

Not Applicable

To display information about the running state for the interfaces show interfaces [<inf>] [brief]
  • <inf> - Optionally, indicate that you want information for a single interface; otherwise, information for all interfaces will be shown
  • brief - Optionally, indicate that you want brief details; otherwise, the information will be detailed.

To display the current configuration for all interfaces

show interfaces configured Not Applicable

To display a summary of the running state for all interfaces, including bridge and role information

show interfaces summary Not Applicable



Set the speed and duplex interface settings for eth2.

interface eth2 speed 100
interface eth2 duplex full



  • To set global IP network settings (e.g., default gateway) use the IP command.
  • To configure a role for an interface (e.g., Cluster, Mirror or WCCP) use associated role command (cluster, mirror or wccp)
  • To configure bridge settings, use the bridge command.

Find more CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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