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Exinda CLI: SMB Acceleration



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command acceleration smb which is used to configure SMB (Server Message Block) acceleration settings.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to acceleration smb:


Action Description

Command Parameter Description

Configuring Adaptive Response Settings

To enable or disable SMB acceleration

[no] acceleration smb enable Not Applicable 

To add applications supported by the SMB module

[no] acceleration smb application <application> Not Applicable 

To clear the SMB disk cache

acceleration smb cache clear Not Applicable 

SMB1 Commands

To enable or disable SMB1 acceleration

[no] acceleration smb v1 enable Not Applicable 

To enable or disable SMB1 meta-caching

[no] acceleration smb v1 meta-cache Not Applicable 
To set the amount to pre-fetch acceleration smb v1 prefetch <prefetch-kbytes>

prefetch <prefetch-kbytes> - Value in kbytes must be between 0 and 8192.

To enable or disable SMB1 read-ahead

[no] acceleration smb v1 read-ahead Not Applicable 

To enable or disable SMB1 write-behind

[no] acceleration smb v1 write-behind Not Applicable 
To enable or disable SMB1 signing

[no] acceleration smb v1 signing enable

Not Applicable 

SMB2 Commands

To enable or disable SMB2 acceleration

[no] acceleration smb v2 enable Not Applicable 
To enable or disable SMB2 signing

[no] acceleration smb v2 signing enable

Not Applicable 

Viewing Acceleration Settings

To list the applications that support SMB

show acceleration smb applications Not Applicable 

To list the SMB signed servers

show acceleration smb signed-servers

Not Applicable 

To display the configuration for SMB1

show acceleration smb v1 config Not Applicable 
To display the SMB1 connections show acceleration smb v1 connections [list [detailed]]
  • smb v1 connections - Display the connections.
  • smb v1 connections list - Display the connections with sources and destinations of the connections.
  • smb v1 connections list detailed - Display the connections, the sources and destinations of the connection, and the client/server operating systems and shared file directories.
To display the configuration for SMB2

show acceleration smb v2 config

Not Applicable 
To display the SMB2 connections show acceleration smb v2 connections [list]
  • smb v2 connections - Display the connections.
  • smb v2 connections list - Display the connections with sources and destinations of the connections.


Find more CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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