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KOFF_E_NETWORK 0x80042010 Error in Outlook


Kerio Outlook Connector Offline Edition may fail to reach Kerio Connect. Outlook produces KOFF_E_NETWORK 0x80042010 Unknown error while testing the connection. KOFF user account stops working because of the local installation issues (Duplicated folder names, local cache corruption, etc) or problems with the network. The warning message advises checking the connection and the name of Kerio Connect mailserver. Otherwise, the server administrator should be contacted.


Administrator access to the PC and Firewall/DNS settings


The email client (KOFF) is not able to reach the Kerio Connect server, because of Network connection being interrupted by environmental factors (firewalls, local Antivirus software, port mismatch).



In order to fix this problem, it's recommended to check the following:

  • Exclude KOFF from 3-party local Antivirus scanning. Folders to be excluded:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\UpdaterService
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\Outlook Connector (Offline Edition)
    C:\Program Files\Kerio\Outlook Connector (Offline Edition)
    C:\Users\*user-name*\AppData\Local\Kerio\Outlook Connector

  • Ensure the firewall is open on Secure HTTP port (443). Please note KOFF can work on custom HTTP ports like 80 or 8843, which can be configured in the Kerio Connect Services. On the Outlook side, the following can be checked in Account Settings -> double-click the account -> Server Details tab -> HTTP port
  • Make sure DNS records are correctly resolving the real IP address of the Kerio Connect server. For troubleshooting purposes, the Server Name can be replaced by the Public Kerio Connect IP address.


The Outlook profile configuration completes successfully.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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