Kerio Connect Client on Safari requires a trusted SSL certificate to use the Chat and Presence features. If your server does not use an SSL certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority, you can trust the certificate by importing it into your system.
Step-By-Step Guide
To import a certificate to your system:
- Open Safari.
- Log in to Kerio Connect Client. During the login, the Safari can't verify the identity of the website mail.company.com dialog box appears.
- Click Show Certificate.
- Select Always trust mail.company.com when connecting to "mail.company.com".
- Click Continue. A verification dialog box appears.
- To confirm the SSL certificate as always trusted, type the password of the user with administrative rights to the system.
- Click Update Settings. The Kerio Connect Client login dialog box appears.
Confirmation: Log in to Kerio Connect Client and verify that the Chat works properly.
Priyanka Bhotika