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Error: 'SMTP service installation requested' when installing/upgrading on an Exchange 2007/2010 Server ( ONLY)



The message 'SMTP service installation requested' appears when installing on a Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 Server.


  • GFI MailEssentials 2012 and later
  • Microsoft Exchange 2007 and later


NOTE: IIS SMTP service is not required in these environments and can conflict with Exchange 2007/2010.
  1. Secure a copy of the MailEssentials Config.mdb 
  2. Edit the database in Microsoft Access
  3. Open the tb_general table and add a path for the Pickup and Replay directories if missing
  4. Open the tb_exchenv table and change the modexch value to reflect the correct version of Exchange
    • 0: MES not installed on Exchange 
    • 1: MES installed on Exchange 2000 
    • 2: MES installed on Exchange 2003 
    • 3: MES installed on Exchange 2007 
    • 4: MES installed on Exchange 2010
    • 5: MES installed on Exchange 2013
    • 6: MES installed on Exchange 2016
  5. Save the updated database and back up the original
  6. Stop the MailEssentials services and replace the original with this updated copy. Restart the services and retry the upgrade or installation.
NOTE:  If the the installer still continues to ask for an SMTP installation after this, secure the troubleshooters (if possible), the MSInfo file, and a copy of the Install Logs


 Config.mdb does not reflect the proper Microsoft Exchange information.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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