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How to disable Junk control functionality in Microsoft Outlook


GFI MailEssentials SpamTag has an override switch to override the Junk functionality found within Microsoft Outlook. When this option is activated, the Junk buttons and menu items in Microsoft Outlook will invoke the GFI MailEssentials SpamTag functions.

To enable this feature:
  1. Open the GFI MailEssentials configuration
  2. Expand the AntiSpam node
  3. Click on SpamTag
  4. Click on the Advanced Tab
  5. Tick Override Microsoft Outlook® Junk
However to completely disable the Microsoft Outlook Junk functionality, an extra optional step is required and this has to be performed from the registry on the machine where Microsoft Outlook is installed.

Please refer to the following knowledge base article:
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
