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Directory Harvesting Is Unable to Query Novell's eDirectory Through LDAP


Directory Harvesting is not able to query users in Novell's eDirectory environment.


  • GFI MailEssentials
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

There are no mappings or incorrect mappings to user accounts in eDirectory that are required for Directory Harvesting to query it.


The default Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Services for eDirectory configuration contains a predefined set of class and attribute mappings. These mappings map a subset of LDAP attributes to a subset of eDirectory attributes. If an attribute is not already mapped in the default configuration, an auto-generated map is assigned to the attribute. Also, if the schema name is a valid LDAP name with no spaces or colons, no mappings are required.  You should examine the class, attribute mapping and reconfigure as needed.

  1. In Novell iManager, click the Roles and Tasks button.
  2. Click LDAP > LDAP Overview > View LDAP Groups.
  3. Click an LDAP Group object, then click Attributes Map.
  4. Add, delete or modify the attributes you want.
    • Because there might be alternate names for certain LDAP attributes (such as CN and common name), you might need to map more than one LDAP attribute to a corresponding eDirectory attribute name. When LDAP Services for eDirectory returns LDAP attribute information, it returns the value of the first matched attribute it locates in the list.
    • If you map multiple LDAP attributes to a single eDirectory attribute, you should reorder the list to prioritize which attribute should take precedence because the order is significant.
  5. Click Apply, then click OK.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
