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Importing Users in Kerio Connect


This article shares the process of importing user accounts in Kerio Connect from CSV files or Directory Services. 


Access to the Kerio Connect administration console


Creating CSV Files for User Accounts

The CSV files must have column headings that correspond to the Kerio Connect categories. Additionally, the individual fields of user account information must be separated using either of the following schemes:

  • Semicolons (;) with multiple values of a field separated by commas (,), as seen in the example below:
    Name;Password;FullName;Description;MailAddress;Groups abird;VbD66op1;Alexandra Bird;Development;abird;read,all abird;Ahdpppu4;Edward Wood;Sales;ewood,wood;sales,all mtaylor;SpoiuS158;Michael Taylor;Assistant;mtaylor,michael.taylor;all
  • Commas (,) with multiple values of a field enclosed in quotations marks (" ") and separated by commas (,), as seen in the example below:
    Name;Password;FullName;Description;MailAddress;Groups abird,VbD66op1,Alexandra Bird,Development,abird,"read,all" ewood,Ahdpppu4,Edward Wood,Sales,"awood,wood","sales,all" mtaylor,SpoiuS158,Michael Taylor,Assistant,"mtaylor,michael.taylor",all

Note: The Name (username) column is mandatory while there is no rule about the order of the columns.

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Importing User Accounts From CSV Files

Follow these steps to import the files:

  1. Go to Accounts > Users.

  2. Select a domain for importing users.

  3. Click on Import and Export > Import from a CSV File.

  4. Select the CSV file (Browse button) and confirm. This displays the list of users in the CSV file.

  5. Select the users you want to import (you can use a template) and confirm.

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Importing User Accounts From Directory Services

Important: Secure your communication with SSL encryption to protect sensitive data (such as user passwords). To log information about the import, enable the Directory Service Lookup option in the Debug log before the import. 


Windows NT Domain

Note: For this import, Kerio Connect must be installed on Microsoft Windows and must belong to the same domain. 

  1. Go to Accounts > Users.

  2. Select a domain for importing users.

  3. Click on Import and Export > Import from a Directory Service.


  4. Enter the name of the Windows NT domain and confirm to view the list of users.

  5. Select the users you want to import (you can use a template) and confirm.


Microsoft Active Directory

  1. Go to Accounts > Users.

  2. Select a domain for importing users.

  3. Click on Import and Export > Import from a Directory Service.

  4. Enter the following details and click confirm to view the list of users: 

    • Microsoft® Active Directory® domain name: Name of the Microsoft Active Directory domain.

    • Import from server: Name of the server with Active Directory.

    • Login as user / Password: Username and Password of an Active Directory user who has at least read rights. 

    • LDAP filter: custom LDAP filter settings. To enable it, click Advanced.

  5. Select the users you want to import (you can use a template) and confirm.

Novell eDirectory 

  1. Go to Accounts > Users.

  2. Select a domain for importing users.

  3. Click on Import and Export > Import from a Directory Service.

  4. Enter the following details and click confirm to view the list of users: 

    • NDS organization: Organization name.

    • Import from server: Name or IP address of the server on which the service for the domain is running.

    • Login as user / Password: Username and password of a user in this domain who has at least read rights. 

    • Custom LDAP filter settings. Click Advanced to enable it.

  5. Select the users you want to import (you can use a template) and confirm.

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Related Articles

Exporting Users Lists

Adding Users from Active Directory to Kerio Connect


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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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