If you have a user or users that wish to receive their email unfiltered (meaning they want to receive potential spam), follow the steps below to add them to the Whitelist.
- Open the GFI Configuration console
- Expand the Anti-Spam node
- Navigate to Whitelist section
- On the first tab that opens, click the Add button
- Add the user's name into the Email Address / Domain to the Whitelist Entry field
- Select Check Recipient from the Email Type drop down box and hit the ADD button
- Hit the Apply to save changes
- Navigate to Filter Priority and select Properties
- Move the Email \ Domain \ Auto Whitelist filter to the highest full email priority
- If Directory Harvesting is in SMTP Data mode, you will not be able to move the Whitelist module above the Directory Harvesting. This is fine, but keep in mind that emails filtered by Directory Harvesting on SMTP level will not reach to the Whitelisted user.
- The Greylist module will always be in the top slot, regardless of whether it is enabled or not. If the Greylist is enabled, make sure it is referencing the Whitelist. This can be selected in the Greylist properties under the Email Exclusions tab. The option is called Exclude email addresses and domains specified in the Whitelist. This should be enabled by default.
- It is not best practice to prioritize the Whitelist above the Sender Policy Framework filter. If the SPF filter is beneath the Whitelist, this configuration will allow forged addresses that happen to appear on the Whitelist to get through. Please note that if you keep the SPF Filter above the Whitelist, it is possible that these emails may not be delivered directly to the Whitelisted user's inbox.
Priyanka Bhotika