Overview GFI MailEssentials uses Active Directory groups to determine what is displayed to logged in users when they log into GFI MailEssentials: If the user is part of the Administrators group, then ...
Overview GFI MailEssentials uses different ways to connect with the users inside the organization and it completely depends upon what kind of environment an organization is using. GFI MailEssentials u...
Overview This article describes the process to follow in order to configure the Remote Active Directory mode in GFI MailEssentials from the Switchboard. Resolution Launch the GFI MailEssentials Switch...
Versions / Builds AffectedVersion 20, 20.1 - Builds 20151118, 20160420 StatusOpen TT / JIRAIDGFIME-898 How to IdentifyIn Access Control when settings user testGFI with Quarantine Access rights, this i...
Overview This article provides an answer to the query: Can I remove the files found in the ADBRProcessed directory? Information To keep track of changes made to the configuration database via remote...
Overview This article provides an answer to the query: Can the MailEssentials Quarantine be accessed by external users? Information You can set the quarantine to be accessed externally by applying a...
Versions / Builds Affectedall StatusResolved Problem SummaryMailEssentials would count 0 users if installed on an Exchange 2003 Frontend server. TT / JIRAIDNone How to IdentifyCustomer has installed a...
Overview This article provides an answer to the query: Does GFI MailEssentials support scanning emails for users located in multiple Active Directory domains? Information GFI MailEssentials supports...
Overview When reviewing the Message Delivery Log you see the Status Reply: 550 5.1.1 user unknown Environment GFI MailEssentials All supported environments Root Cause Recipient Filtering was enabled o...
Overview When a user who has the less than character ( < ) in their password tries to open the web interface, the following error appears: Server Error in '/MailEssentials' Application 'A potentially ...