Error: 'Access denied. Your account does not have permissions to view this site' and the SID.log says 'GetListOfMembersInGroups System.IndexOutOfRangeException'
Versions / Builds Affected
2012 / 20130226
Problem Summary
When trying to access the UI through the MailEssentials configuration icon in the Start menu, after logging in the error 'Access denied. Your account does not have permissions to view this site' appears and the user cannot view the management console.
How to Identify
In the SID.log in the MailEssentials\wwwconf\DebugLogs folder, the following warning will be present: 2013-04-02,11:07:15,964,1,"#0000302C","#000001D1","warning","SID","Warning: GetListOfMembersInGroups System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. ; at MEC.Sid.GetSId.GetListOfMembersInGroups(List`1 groupList, String username)"
Workaround / Fix Details
Upgrade to latest build of GFI MailEssentials 2015 or Later
Required Actions
Upgrade to latest build of GFI MailEssentials 2015 or Later
Priyanka Bhotika