Error: 'Cannot insert the value NULL ... column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails' and SQL reporting does not record data
Versions / Builds Affected
2012 / 20121218
Problem Summary
SQL reporting appears to not work. In the logs, you will find evidence that MailEssentials is trying to store null data which SQL is refusing.
How to Identify
Upon checking the DLE logs, the following error is displayed: dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43810): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","::Error() = [80040e2f]" dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43811): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","::ErrorMessage() = [IDispatch error #3119]" dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43812): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","::Source() = [Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server]" dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43813): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","::Description() = [Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id', table 'MailEssentials.dbo.meces_users'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.]" dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43814): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","COM exception in TransferMECTables." dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43815): 2013-02-04,11:10:24,964,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","TransferMECTables failed." dlemanage85.gfi_log.bak(43948): 2013-02-04,11:15:49,202,1,"#00000a04","#00000cc8","error ","dlemanage85","_com_error"
Workaround / Fix Details
Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later PSG has scripts for the SQL database if needed.
Required Actions
Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later
Priyanka Bhotika